28 July 2008

One Odd Way 2 Solve All Your Problems!!

Don’t pray to God to help you when you are in a problematic situation. Instead, ask him to give such problems more and more. Sounds crazy, isn’t it? I’ll tell you what, may be today God will help you and tomorrow again you’ll call him to get your another problem fixed. Whatever the problem is, we human beings created it. Its our head ache to resolve it…..


When you are aware of the fact about how to handle the worst of a situation, pray to God and ask him to give you worst situations at the earliest possible. Because practice is more important than awareness. At the end of each problem, you’ll know how smart you handled the entire situation. If you still feel you are not smart enough to handle it, try to get more and more such problems. Once you become an expert in handling problems, then problem will no more be a problem.

So the first step is, be aware of handling problems

Practice it by implementing it whenever possible.

Chuck the fear out of you and expect for some problems. More problems you get, more stronger you will become!

This is my way of resolving problems :)

bY Jose.


eniko szucs said...

thank's for you're visite:)..and yes.. more problems...more experience :))..God Bless You :D

Jose said...

thankie eniko, thank ya for the blessing :) your fotoblog is very cool eniko.

Anonymous said...

Machi good to watch the different approach of solving problem....

Jose said...

yup! i found one finally!!

dana said...

Interesting way to solve problems, but I don't think I could ever ask God for more problems.

But the essence of your post, i understand it. We should never fear problems, because each problem we overgo makes us stronger, right?

Jose said...

you got it dana :)

Unknown said...

Dude u r givin a different dimension to approach d problems..but im wonderin i wud ever offer prayers to welcome more problems!! wateva.. good one Jose!!

Jose said...

hey divya.....I'll pray for you to get more problems :)
You can count me on this :)


you are far better than what you think you are!