09 August 2008

World's 9TH Wonder

Are you giving life to your imaginations/thoughts.....?? You know what....? It plays a big role in creating a brand new World!! (It also matters what you imagine) :) Some gentlemen/gentlewomen gave life to their imaginations and the world faced a big transformation from the cavemen ship till what we are now!

At the first place, be a good person to imagine lots of wonderful things. Never stop with that, but give life to your imaginations. I don't believe much in world’s eight wonders because there are people behind those wonders, who had imaginations and gave life to it. Man's best gift is his imaginations, and the best gift he could give back to this world is, giving life to his imaginations.

You know why your heart tends to praise wonders?? Though you are not creating any wonders, there are imaginations within you. So when you see your imagination alive in front of your eyes, you praise it and call it a wonder (quite obvious). Wonderful, isn't it? Most of the people live in imagination but they die without making or providing any wonders.

For a boy who is in love with a gal, his imagination is... that the girl herself is a wonder. And he never sits idle; instead, he tries to give life to his imagination by using a tool called love :)

For a scientist, his discoveries are wonders. For a sculptor, each of his creations is a wonder (not only the master piece) .... For a writer, his writings!

For a husband and wife, their marriage life (If they understand each other, together they can make wonders). For a father and mother, their child... For a child, for a student, for a...for a....

So likewise, there are lots and lots of wonders everywhere around us. So if you are not contented or satisfied with your life, and you are not seeing wonders, then who do you think is the problem......? It's of course you with no doubts. Maybe you are not giving life to your imaginations as a lover/husband/wife/father/mother/child and bla... bla... bla.

Keep your eyes wide open and learn to see so many beautiful things around you. Don't push yourself down, rather, bring your self up and give your hands to those who are down (In trouble). If you still are pessimistic, then you would say, "I kept my eyes wide open, but I saw nothing beautiful!" :)

"Go great guns!" spread the positive vibe everywhere and own this world the way you wanted!

Life is so beautiful when you live your life, if you wanna live your life, the world should be beautiful, If you wanna make this world beautiful....I have given one of the keys up there, so go try it! I gave life to my thoughts and here born an article :) I'm growing as a writer to create wonders. What about you Mr. 9TH wonder?? (I’m asking you!!)

bY jose

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you are far better than what you think you are!