07 November 2008

I need a weapon to survive

I wanted to survive, So I used weapons made of stones and iron. Later I updated my weapon with guns and bombs. What is all I need....? Survival?? Whose survival...!!??

Everybody started using weapons I discovered. Moreover, they had more complicated and latest weapons which I was searching for. I had to think little harder to come up with a weapon that is more powerful and effective. If I have such a weapon I could outshine all of those who use normal weapon. That is when I found a weapon called.....people call it "mind!!"

It has become my favorite weapon of all time. I have to keep it sharp or sharpen it time to time. This is one of the weapons anyone hardly use in this insanely rushing world. People say... "Pen is mightier than the sword".....pity on them!! Pen is just a tool that represent my mind. If pen goes to a crappy, it writes crappy!

I want to use use my weapon to stop weapons from progressing. However, like always.....world will realize the fact once everything is over." said the poor yet fakerich creature (you/me/we/who?)

any article needs a conclusion to give you an understanding of what you read a moment ago....so here comes the conclusion for this piece of work....."When Evil becomes God, God will become Evil" one of the rarely understood quotes of the world!!

By josE

23 August 2008

My Instant Friend

After long hours of work, I went to my bed room and threw myself on my bed hoping to get some sleep. There came an uninvited friend (a housefly) to annoy me. I don’t know where it came from when there was no chance of it entering my place. I didn’t mind and spread the bed sheet all over me leaving my face uncovered, then kept concentrating on my sleep. But the small creature started its silly work. I kept chasing it off but it kept bugging me with out giving me a break. If it knows the language of mine, I could’ve explained something to it b'cuz i was dead tired. Finally I decided, “Ok man, let me get this game over”. I got up and started chasing the tiny one for some time unsuccessfully. Have I gone mad? I’m chasing a little creature which doesn’t even deserve my attention. I felt embarrassed and went to sleep again, now I was little bit conscious. With my eyes closed, I was waiting for the fly to come and disturb me again. Nothing happened for a while, so I slowly opened my eyes to see if it has gone. But that stupid tiny one was rubbing its front legs and waiting for me to make my next move. I did one last desperate try and this time it was inside my hand safely. I almost lost my sleep and the reason for that is inside my hand now. I wanted to squeeze it to death. I felt it inside my tightly folded palm, trying to make its way out. It reminded me some of my bugging friends and I ended up smiling and laughing. With out having a heart to kill my new little enemy, I released it outside the window carefully and saw the fly flew away with its life. After making sure every thing is fine, I went to sleep finally.

bY josE

15 August 2008

My Answers to My Questions! (PART ONE)

I love to ask questions, but very few people are their to satisfy me with their answers. To your surprise, I’m one among them!! I really don’t know were the rest of them come from!!

Ok, here we go…..

#1) What is the meaning of life?

Don’t search for the meaning of life. Instead, go live your life and you’ll find the meaning. Everyone sees this world in their own way, and their explanations will be purely based on how they see this world! That is what we call perception. So why do we need to get any answer from someone who sees this world in his own way…? Obviously his answers wouldn’t suit you if he is different from you!

#2) Why do perceptions exist?

Everything had meanings, even before man discovered the language. The language taught us, or we used language as a tool to manipulate the meanings according to our wish!!

#3) How to explain myself to others in a better way?

You are not what you say you are, but you are... what you say you are not!
So it’s always better to keep quite. Let others decide what you really are.

Why reading books is good?

I read books because; I want to explain all of my thoughts to this world in a much better way! (Manipulate words to make it interesting!!)

#5) What according to you is survival?

I’m searching for something which does not exist!
But I can create it!
It may be success, money, love…..bla bla bla…if you cannot satisfy your heart, the list continues! (This answer has incredible depth than you think it has).

#6) How to satisfy your heart anyways?

I cannot satisfy my heart. But I can convince it! If we learn to satisfy ourselves, nothing will change in this world, every thing will remain the same. That one single quality is the root of human evolution. If our ancestors had satisfaction, human evolution wouldn’t have happened!

It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. (James Thurber)

maybe continues............!!

bY josE

12 August 2008

The Best Philosophical Proverbs

In my recent proverbs hunt over the net, I came across some beautiful philosophical proverbs. I would like to share'em with you in my blog. Some proverbs are very small, but not there meanings!

The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him? (Chuang Tzu )

If man has the ability to make others believe whatever he wishes, then he would say, he is God! Just because he doesn't have that power, he says that there is God! - Jose (author of this blog)

There are some remedies worse than the disease. (Publilius Syrus)

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. (Henry David Thoreau)

Don't miss the donut by looking through the hole. - Author Unknown

It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. (James Thurber)

It is easy to stand a pain, but difficult to stand an itch. (Chang Ch'ao)

We waste a lot of time running after people we could have caught by just standing still. (Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960 )

If I am not pleased with myself, but should wish to be other than I am, why should I think highly of the influences which have made me what I am? (John Lancaster Spalding)

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. (Jimmy Dean)

· A man is not as big as his belief in himself; he is as big as the number of persons who believe in him. (Woodrow Wilson)

So, which one did ya like….? I guess all the eleven

bY Jose

11 August 2008


(Long, long ago…….when a monkey started to think, he became Mr. You..!)

When "Mr. You" found himself in this world, he was very lonely… and thought of nothing but the survival. When he saw a creature of his kind (another man), he grew jealous . After the arrival of new competitor, desires started developing in Mr. You, and the result: he wanted to own every thing before his competitor does. Obviously fights happened...! They both fought against each other to prove the other one is weaker (like you see two dogs fighting for small piece of bone). Some times Mr. you won, but sometimes his competitor. This kept on…. Since no one was really ready to give up.


For example, at your home, if you don’t have a sibling, you don’t need to fight for anything. But if you have one, even if you don’t want something you’ll fight. Remember?

......While this kept on and on.. there came a new sophisticated problem (I mean a girl :P). When they discovered that she was no good in fighting them, they started fighting again. But this time the fight was to dominate the “GAL!” Since she had no choice (physically unfit), she had to go with the person who won. You and his competitor didn’t know a big fact behind her! She was physically unfit, but she was growing mentally fit to compensate her physical weakness! When man had the physical power, he didn't use his mind much. When the girl discovered her physical weaknesses, she used her mind and managed to handle her man…. (also she learned to roll his concentration whenever needed!) That was the beginning of women evolution! Slowly…. but strongly (which men where not aware off!).

Mr. You had to take care of his gal specially more than anything he had dominated in the past. Because, if she doesn’t like Mr. You... now she had option to dump him and move with the other guy hanging around (this is the greatest all-time-problems for men :)! So he figured out a way to resolve that issue which is "slavery". He kept her as his slave and ordered her to do stuffs. You’s competitor (he also had a gal now) also encouraged slavery since he had similar issue!

bY jose:)

09 August 2008

World's 9TH Wonder

Are you giving life to your imaginations/thoughts.....?? You know what....? It plays a big role in creating a brand new World!! (It also matters what you imagine) :) Some gentlemen/gentlewomen gave life to their imaginations and the world faced a big transformation from the cavemen ship till what we are now!

At the first place, be a good person to imagine lots of wonderful things. Never stop with that, but give life to your imaginations. I don't believe much in world’s eight wonders because there are people behind those wonders, who had imaginations and gave life to it. Man's best gift is his imaginations, and the best gift he could give back to this world is, giving life to his imaginations.

You know why your heart tends to praise wonders?? Though you are not creating any wonders, there are imaginations within you. So when you see your imagination alive in front of your eyes, you praise it and call it a wonder (quite obvious). Wonderful, isn't it? Most of the people live in imagination but they die without making or providing any wonders.

For a boy who is in love with a gal, his imagination is... that the girl herself is a wonder. And he never sits idle; instead, he tries to give life to his imagination by using a tool called love :)

For a scientist, his discoveries are wonders. For a sculptor, each of his creations is a wonder (not only the master piece) .... For a writer, his writings!

For a husband and wife, their marriage life (If they understand each other, together they can make wonders). For a father and mother, their child... For a child, for a student, for a...for a....

So likewise, there are lots and lots of wonders everywhere around us. So if you are not contented or satisfied with your life, and you are not seeing wonders, then who do you think is the problem......? It's of course you with no doubts. Maybe you are not giving life to your imaginations as a lover/husband/wife/father/mother/child and bla... bla... bla.

Keep your eyes wide open and learn to see so many beautiful things around you. Don't push yourself down, rather, bring your self up and give your hands to those who are down (In trouble). If you still are pessimistic, then you would say, "I kept my eyes wide open, but I saw nothing beautiful!" :)

"Go great guns!" spread the positive vibe everywhere and own this world the way you wanted!

Life is so beautiful when you live your life, if you wanna live your life, the world should be beautiful, If you wanna make this world beautiful....I have given one of the keys up there, so go try it! I gave life to my thoughts and here born an article :) I'm growing as a writer to create wonders. What about you Mr. 9TH wonder?? (I’m asking you!!)

bY jose

28 July 2008

One Odd Way 2 Solve All Your Problems!!

Don’t pray to God to help you when you are in a problematic situation. Instead, ask him to give such problems more and more. Sounds crazy, isn’t it? I’ll tell you what, may be today God will help you and tomorrow again you’ll call him to get your another problem fixed. Whatever the problem is, we human beings created it. Its our head ache to resolve it…..


When you are aware of the fact about how to handle the worst of a situation, pray to God and ask him to give you worst situations at the earliest possible. Because practice is more important than awareness. At the end of each problem, you’ll know how smart you handled the entire situation. If you still feel you are not smart enough to handle it, try to get more and more such problems. Once you become an expert in handling problems, then problem will no more be a problem.

So the first step is, be aware of handling problems

Practice it by implementing it whenever possible.

Chuck the fear out of you and expect for some problems. More problems you get, more stronger you will become!

This is my way of resolving problems :)

bY Jose.

27 July 2008

when hiS search completes…yoU’ll never see this worlD again. Ever!!

A person…he is searching for you out there in this whole wide world!

He started his search, right after you got your life in your mothers womb. He has got what you want. He’ll never stop his search until and unless he finds you out. After you are born you start searching something for your survival. Your search will be on progress even if you find something that you have searched for…even if your dreams come true. You will never ever be satisfied with what you’ve got (quite obvious). You’ll get so many things, but you don’t know what you really want!

You say you have lot of goals…but he has only one goal, that is, to find you!! I’ll tell you what, Devil is much better that what he really is. May be he is right under your nose…chances are there, he would miss you. Most of the times he is not very far away from you. Before he could find you, ask yourself a question. “What I was searching for all these days?” if you don’t know the answer…he has got the answer for you. So wait until he gets you.

What kind of person he is?? Blind? Deaf? Dumb? Or… a kind of psychopath?? I don’t know what he is. But one thing for sure, before your search gets over, his search will come to an end. Your search will also come to an end by then. Because you have nothing more to ask when you are dead! Is that what your search was all about? Is this how your satisfaction gets satisfied? Is this what he wanted to give you from the start?

Sometimes you’ll find him, sometime he does. Its better to let him find you. See how long you could hide from him!!

What kind of questions we could ask ourselves before he could find us? You can comment on that :)

bY jose.

15 April 2008

The man

If man has the ability to make others believe whatever he wishes, then he would say, he is God! Just because he doesn't have that power, he says that there is God!

09 April 2008

The Identity


There was a boy named tom, lived in a small village, who lost his parents soon after his birth. His brother and his wife sally brought him up by hand. Sally was very cruel to him (tom). She gave him work which he couldn't bare at all, and gave him only little food. Her atrocity grew day by day. One day there was an announcement from the king that they are in need of young and strong soldiers. On hearing this, Sally took Tom by his shirt's collar and handed him over to the announcers and said that he would be apt for that.

He gets complete training. After one year of training he is totally changed. Like that he became one of the best soldiers in the country. Soon war broke out and the newly trained soldiers were sent to fight their enemies, for their country's sake. They fought a fierce battle, but eventually no one survived except Tom. He saw his friends lying on the ground dead. He became very upset and covered his face and started crying like a kid.

A bunch of Vultures gathered around one of his friends body, and started eating his flesh. He tried to shove them off, but failed. One of the Vultures asked him that why he is not letting them to eat in peace. He was quite surprised on hearing a Vulture speak to him. He asked the Vulture, "When there are number of bodies lying dead here and there, why are you fighting for a single body like this?" The vulture replied, "Man's
flesh is tasty!"

He was quite confused. Before he could ask anything, the Vulture raised its feathers and asked him to see the dead bodies through it. On seeing that, he couldn't believe his eyes. B'cuz, he saw only pigs, dogs, donkeys and so many wild animals lying dead including few men. And the Vultures are fighting for the dead men alone!

He begged the Vulture for a single piece of its feather. The Vulture looked at his eyes sharply and gave him one of its feathers. He got to his feet and started running from the battle field. He was dying to see Sally using that feather! He reached home gasping and saw his brother outside, saw him through the feather so he was a rabbit! Asked where Sally is? He ran inside the house when his rabbit brother said that she is sleeping inside. He saw her through the feather, went inside his room brought a cane with him and killed her by beating her up. He buried the dead body at the back yard.

When the people came to know about this, they protested badly. He said that he didn't kill any one and to prove them he took them to the back yard and took out the buried body, made them see through his feather and said that he has killed only a mad doggy. So now no one could accuse him, instead they started running and fled from the spot. B'CUZ, THEY DID'T WANT TO LET THEIR IDENTITY KNOWN!

Be careful about your friends, may be they are........I guess you know what I'm driving at!
BY jose

21 February 2008

"Something Out Of Nothing...."

Do you know the value of relationship?
Have you ever loved anyone truly ?
Do you know the meaning of your life?

I keep all these questions in front of you just because I want you to think and get answers. Once you are done... move on to the following matter that I'm gonna write.

I saw a programme, which had a power to touch my heart incredibly...! An half an hour program touched me... moved me I was totally shaken, what else I could say...!!

It was all about neglected desperate people who were seeking for love. Poor people seeking for something which is very hard to get. A person came forward to find and gather such people. He wanted to make them happy. For that he figured out a plan which was great and amazing. Can you guess, what that could be..? A Band...! yes, he formed a band with those desperate people. "Choir of Hard knocks" he named the band ..! oh god..! a band with unfit people..? I was wondering... how its gonna be..? No idea. He really wanted to prove that they are incredibly fit.

Ok, why are they desperate..? one is addicted for alcohol , some old people... they are neglected by their children, some are affected by some deadly disease and many more problems. They don't know why they live...? they don't wanna live either. I'm totally clueless about them. But I am damn sure about one thing, that is, they wouldn't have expected that something is going to change their lives to a great unbelievable extent. Yes the man i mentioned above, he changed the way they led their life.

He started working on his plans. He made them sing and play music. He taught them music step by step. Slowly everyone started to show interest. Now what...? they know what they are doing and they are practicing very hard for the D-day. They are not bothered about anything else now. They don't even have time to think about anything. What a change in few days...! They grew like anything. Focused....so focused... they practiced "Silent Night" , some Christmas songs and some other songs which I don't know. I started feeling very happy for them.

Finally the D-day came. They are going to sing songs with great music and gonna record them. The director was ready to direct them. Everyone is waiting with clueless emotions. No matter how they gonna sing but they gonna make something, this is what I thought in my mind.

But things happened differently. Yes, when they started singing, I couldn't sit. I got to my feet, I forgot to breathe, my whole body started becoming numb. Mind blowing... awesome... spectacular... Amazing... Fascinating... Wonderful... actually, I am searching for a better word to explain the scene. I'm so Sorry that im not able to explain their performance. I also feel sorry for myself for not having talent to explain their performance in words.

When they heard the song that they sang, they were speechless totally and tears filled that space. Seeing all this, I was totally touched and shaken. That programme created an impact in me. I heard a wonderful music coming out of a man sans teeth(Old Man). He was enjoying himself when he was singing. The entire place was burning with talent... hapiness... joy... and so on.

One man gathered many hopeless people who were dropping tears all their life and he made them drop tears again! But this time each of their tears had meanings, Countless meanings. After hearing their own song they couldn't believe themselves. Just Incredible music...!

I don't know the name of that man. But he is a real human being. Now tell me who are you..? I've seen people who are good at hurting others feelings. They are seeking for chances to prove them that they are not human. You don't have to be Mother Teresa or that man who i mentioned above.

You just try to find out good answers for those questions which I asked above and you'll know who you are and what you should be. Please don't play with emotions. It's something priceless, making others happy.

If you are hurt bcuz of this "ARTICLE" you'll never hurt anyone ever again.
Love You All....


you are far better than what you think you are!